Aiden has about 40 signs and about 20 spoken words (which I attribute to Signing Smart as everyone tells me boys don’t talk at 15 months). Everywhere we go he is signing something. It is so much fun. Without Signing Smart I don’t think I would have any concept of how much he understands and how he perceives things. ≡ Susan Hoffer, mom to Aiden, 15 months
Ora is up to about 15 signs. I love communicating with my 10 month old baby! ≡ Mandy Coates, mom to Ora, 10 months
I just wanted you to know Jackson is up to 92 signs! He signs all the time. He signs in response to us talking. He signs to prompt us to talk to him. It is such a blessing that we have this way to communicate with him and we are so appreciative of you and your classes. Thank you!!! ≡ Heather Wenger, mom to Jackson, 18 months
My husband was very skeptical about signing with the baby at first, but today he told me how glad he was that I discovered Signing Smart. He is just amazed at how much Emma is signing. Thanks again for being such an awesome teacher and opening up this world for us and Emma. We love Signing Smart! ≡ Chris Hughes, mom to Emma, 10 months
Regarding a two-year old with few words:
Signing Smart has provided an enormous relief for our daughter Carson, who has just turned two and has very limited language development. We tried to teach her to sign at home but she was unwilling and resistant. To get attention, she would often act out in less than positive ways, and we rarely succeeded in guessing what her unintelligible sounds meant. She had begun distancing herself from us, and was getting more and more frustrated.
The environment Rina provides in her Signing Smart classes is welcoming and exciting. Her class makes signing essential, acceptable and most important obtainable. Carson immediately sensed the potential; she learns faster than we do and signs with an attitude of communication and engagement she has never exhibited. Along with the ability to communicate with signs, she has been stimulated to attempt verbal communication. She often tries to say the word as she signs, and is more aware of the entire communication process.
The success she has experienced is evident in all she does. This Signing Smart class, and the knowledge and skill it provided her, has given Carson a new world!!!! ≡ Brooke Williamson, mom to Carson, 24 months
I have heard that your class is wonderful from all of the students who have joined my Spanish classes after taking your Signing Smart classes. Shannon and Saffron said it’s absolutely the best class they have taken ever. With a recommendation like that, I have to try it! ≡ Jennifer Wiltse, mom to Orlena
Thank you for all you’ve taught us and all the fun we’ve had in your class. It’s beyond wonderful being able to communicate with Zoe from such a young age. Signing has truly enriched our family and we plan on using Signing Smart with any future siblings of Zoe’s. I recommend your class and Signing Smart to everyone I know with little ones. ≡ Julie Ann Kanics, mom to Zoe, 19 months
Last night, Emma was coughing and I put baby VapoRub on her and she didn’t like it. I was going to wash it off with a washcloth, but she signed BATH – so we had a bath. I love that she can communicate her needs!!!
I know I keep telling you how much I love Signing Smart! Every day I am amazed at how well we communicate and how easily she learns new signs and words. I think every parent should learn to sign with their children! Thank you for making this process so easy and rewarding. ≡ Chris Hughes, mom to Emma, 13 months
If you would like to share your Signing Smart success with us, we’d love to hear from you. E-mail us at rina AT SigningChild DOT com.